As a charitable company, The Exceptional Education Trust prepares and publishes its accounts each year.
Our financial year matches the academic year, running from September through to August.
The majority of our funding comes direct from Government, based on the number of students in the school; academies receive approximately the same per-pupil funding as local authority schools.
We follow the Department for Education’s Academies Financial Handbook to ensure that the public money we are entrusted with is spent as fairly and efficiently as possible, and to the maximum benefit of our students.
We also have regard to the Charity Commission’s guidance on good practice for charities.
Higher Paid Employees As disclosed in the financial statements for the Exceptional Education Trust, only one employee received remuneration in excess of £100,000 in 2022-23. This remuneration falls into the band £120,000 to £130,000.
The Exceptional Education Trust was founded in September 2016. The first set of accounts were filed by January 2018.
Registered Business Interests
Governance Attendance