Central to realising The Exceptional Education Trust aims is the need for active engagement of all members with a Culture of Achievement built upon authentic and effective collaboration and continuous pursuit of excellence.
Beliefs that are championed.
- Responsibility for performance sits in the Academy.
- The success of the WF Challenge is its impact on students – both their day to day experiences and outcomes.
- There is a clear expectation that ‘excellence’ will be achieved in every school.
Values that are supported.
- Moral commitment to the development of other staff and other schools.
- Meritocracy based upon credible and transparent information.
- Integrity and Truthfulness.
- Trust and Openness.
Deal Breakers and blockers that are challenged.
- School Leadership that does not challenge/hold to account poor performance.
- Lack of transparency.
- Non–involvement, you can only get out what you put in.
- Do as I say, not as I do.
The key educational Improvement role of The Exceptional Education Trust is to provide;
- Quality, robust and trusted challenge to schools.
- Access to outstanding knowledge, expertise and skills able to support each Academy to realise their school improvement aims.
- Build a Culture of Achievement, Authentic Collaboration and Pursuit of Excellence throughout every member of our Trust.
Further The Exceptional Education Trust believes;
- Effective Leadership is at the core of change and Success: Schools are autonomous institutions responsible for their own improvement and sustainable school improvement will only occur through effective leadership built around personal responsibility for outcomes at every level.
- Excellence in the classroom is vital for sustainable success. The development of outstanding Teachers through outstanding training programmes is key to improving school outcomes.
Success must be clearly defined, tracked and shared. Information systems that define success and allow under performance to be challenged are central to realising outstanding outcomes. Academy academic success is no longer only based upon the performance of the school community as a whole, but on the performance of every group, no matter how small, that make up that community. The elimination of disparity in performance between student groups based upon gender, individual disadvantage, ethnicity or SEN need is now a political as well as moral imperative for each school. Every child must have the best possible chance to succeed.